Thursday, May 20, 2010

Alluminum & Copper II sulfate Redox Lab


* Aluminum & Copper II sulfate Lab

Statement of the Problem:

* To determine the number of grams of copper that will be produced from an oxidation reduction reaction when you know the mass of Aluminum that reacted with a known amount of copper II sulfate pentahydrate and to compare this to the actual yield of copper?

* We knew the elements and how to measure the produced, and what they did and how they work.


* The problem that we had was separating the copper II sulfate from the Aluminum sulfate.


* Aluminum foil , Copper II sulfate pentahydrate, medium sized beaker, stirring rod, a filter, scale, apron, goggles, and shoes.

* If you eat the copper II sulfate you will die.


* We first measured how much water we needed. then we meshed out 15 g of copper II pentahydrate (CuSO4 * 5H2O).

*Then we got the bun son burner out and boiled the water the put the copper II sulfate the stirred it then added Aluminum. After we got our filter and our funnel and pore it in to it and let it drain in to the flask then got a spray thing and got the copper II sulfate and the Aluminum out then let dry. Then measured them. Then we stirred the solution until we couldn't see the foil pieces anymore. Then we heated the solution, after heating we removed the solution from the heat and recorded the data.

Results (Data):

* We got a few pieces out of the project and recorded the data of the sizes and how many pieces in our log.

3CuSO4 +2Al- Al2 (SO4)3 +3Cu

22.1g Al x 1 mol Cu x 3 mol Cu x 63.55 g Cu = 78.1 g Cu

26.98 g AL 2 mol Cu 1 mol Cu


* What we hypothesized was correct.
* We learned from this lab that you can separate certain elements from a solution under the right circumstances and with the right materials.
*The only problem that we had encountered during the lab was that the solution was taking longer than expected for it to separate.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Various Chemical Reactions Lab

Various Chemical Reactions Report

* Chemical Reactions Lab

Statement of the Problem:

* We are trying to see if the chemicals are real reactions or not. by testing and balancing them in varies ways to really see if they are true reactions.

* Before this lab we know how to balance equations and we knew the reaction and the all five reaction types and it helped us how to complete this lab.


* The possible solutions for each reaction tested is: does it produce a gas, if so what kind, which type of reaction it is, and what the products of the reaction are. We can test most of these with a wood splint that has been burnt slightly.


* We first had to get all of are safety gear on like our goggles and are apron and turn on the fume hood because the reactions created many gases and we like to be safe. Also we used, test tubes, test tube racks, CuSO4, Ba(NO3)2, HCl, H2O2, MnO2, C3H8, and a Bunsen burner.


* In this lab we tested many chemical reactions of different solutions mixing.

*First we mixed Zinc with Copper Sulfate, and the copper formed on the zinc in the solution making a single displacement reaction.

*Next we mixed Barium Nitrate and Copper Sulfate, and the reaction was foaming and creation of powder at the bottom of the test tube making it a double displacement reaction.

*After we mixed Magnesium and Hydrogen Chloride the reaction was a single displacement, but the magnesium was being broken down and the solution is very warm in the test tube.

*After the reaction labs we began to test reaction with flame. These tests consisted of H2O2 being heated, C3H8 being heated. Later we mixed Catalyst with the H202 Mixture.

Results (Data):

*In each reaction there was bubbling and changes in each of the mixtures. In the heating reactions they all bubbled at different rates.


* Each reaction did produce gas and bubbled, we were also able to find out which reaction type each reaction was.

* Our hypothesis was correct because we knew a lot about the lab before we began it.

*I learned in this lab that there are many different reactions in the world of chemicals.

*The only possible errors in the lab would be that we did not use enough of each mixture or that we recorded it wrong.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Molecular Shape Lab


* Molecular shape Lab

Statement of the Problem:

* What each lewis structure was, what was the angle of each structure. What was the actual Geometrical shape, Weather it was polar and weather it was resonance structure.

* I knew what was on the paper Mr.Howell handed out on the geometric shape and angle, and how lewis structures were done.


* We thought that the lab would explain how each molecule is shaped and angled.

* Either it will teach us a lot about the subject, or it might just be a complete review over the past chapter (chapter 6)

* Through out the lab we will test to see if it is a review or a lesson.


* Bag of attachable pieces, apron, safety goggles, lab paper, and work area.

* Don't eat the pieces!


* First we obtained the lab outline and began on it. For each molecular formula, we were to make a lewis structure, Diagram the lewis structure using the bag of pieces and the color key to create the molecular shape, determine the angle of the lewis structure, the polarity or non polarity of each molecule, and weather the lewis structure is a resonance structure or not.

*Then we began doing all the molecular formula's on the paper while diagramming the lewis structure.

*After we finished those we used the sheet that the teacher gave us to determine the angle of the bonds and the actual geometric shape.

*Finally we looked through the book to find the polarity and weather it was a resonance structure or not.

Results (Data):










* We found that this was a review of what we had been learning in the past chapter.

* We accepted this hypothesis because we knew how to do all the stuff on the lab and did not learn very much new stuff.

*The only possible problem that could have happened in this lab would have been that the lewis structures were done wrong and that is very unlikely.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lab report blog

First, we began the lab by putting on all of our safety gear. Goggles, apron, and started the fume hood and put the Hexane under the fume hood.

Statement of the Problem:

* Which Mixtures separate water soluble overhead pens. (Red, Black, Green, Yellow, and Blue)

* We knew that water would be the most soluble, and that Hexane we were using was toxic so we had to put it under the fume hood.


* The way that we will be able to test this is to test the many different mixtures to see which one is most soluble.


*Goggles, apron, 24 well rack, water other mixtures, paper strips, and markers.

*Started the fume hood and put the Hexane under the fume hood, goggles, and apron.


* 1. First, we began the lab by putting on all of our safety gear. Goggles, apron, and started the fume hood and put the Hexane under the fume hood.

2. Then we gathered all the needed items; the 24 hole well plate, the thin slices of paper, and markers. After that we began the lab, the first day we used different solutions with the same color pigment.

3. We used H2O, C3H7OH, CH3OH, and C4H14. The H2O spread the color pigments out the most. C3H7OH spread it out not as much but thicker. CH3OH did not spread the pigments out very much compare the H2O and C3H7OH. C4H14 did not spread the color pigments out at all.

4. Waited 30 minutes for the color to spread after sitting in the mixture. Then recorded the results and made a graph of how the color was distributed for each one.

Results (Data):


*1. First, we began the lab by putting on all of our safety gear. Goggles, apron, and started the fume hood and put the Hexane under the fume hood.

2. Then we gathered all the needed items; the 24 hole well plate, the thin slices of paper, and markers. After that we began the lab, the first day we used different solutions with the same color pigment.

3. We used H2O, C3H7OH, CH3OH, and C4H14. The H2O spread the color pigments out the most. C3H7OH spread it out not as much but thicker. CH3OH did not spread the pigments out very much compare the H2O and C3H7OH. C4H14 did not spread the color pigments out at all.

4. Waited 30 minutes for the color to spread after sitting in the mixture. Then recorded the results and made a graph of how the color was distributed for each one.