Thursday, May 20, 2010

Alluminum & Copper II sulfate Redox Lab


* Aluminum & Copper II sulfate Lab

Statement of the Problem:

* To determine the number of grams of copper that will be produced from an oxidation reduction reaction when you know the mass of Aluminum that reacted with a known amount of copper II sulfate pentahydrate and to compare this to the actual yield of copper?

* We knew the elements and how to measure the produced, and what they did and how they work.


* The problem that we had was separating the copper II sulfate from the Aluminum sulfate.


* Aluminum foil , Copper II sulfate pentahydrate, medium sized beaker, stirring rod, a filter, scale, apron, goggles, and shoes.

* If you eat the copper II sulfate you will die.


* We first measured how much water we needed. then we meshed out 15 g of copper II pentahydrate (CuSO4 * 5H2O).

*Then we got the bun son burner out and boiled the water the put the copper II sulfate the stirred it then added Aluminum. After we got our filter and our funnel and pore it in to it and let it drain in to the flask then got a spray thing and got the copper II sulfate and the Aluminum out then let dry. Then measured them. Then we stirred the solution until we couldn't see the foil pieces anymore. Then we heated the solution, after heating we removed the solution from the heat and recorded the data.

Results (Data):

* We got a few pieces out of the project and recorded the data of the sizes and how many pieces in our log.

3CuSO4 +2Al- Al2 (SO4)3 +3Cu

22.1g Al x 1 mol Cu x 3 mol Cu x 63.55 g Cu = 78.1 g Cu

26.98 g AL 2 mol Cu 1 mol Cu


* What we hypothesized was correct.
* We learned from this lab that you can separate certain elements from a solution under the right circumstances and with the right materials.
*The only problem that we had encountered during the lab was that the solution was taking longer than expected for it to separate.